Local Offer
What support is there for children with disabillities and/or additional educational needs?
Parents who are looking for preschool education are welcome to come and visit the setting to decide if it is right for their child. At this visit and at the pre start visits (if they decide it is right) we will discuss any known special educational needs and/ or disabilities. Before the child starts parents fill in registration forms which include sections on any special/special educational needs which the child has that is known to them. A Superstar Survey and All About Me sheets are also filled in with the parent and child. We will also request a copy of the child’s ‘2-year-old check’ when they have attended early years provision prior to playgroup. All of these combined give us a good overall picture of the child.
When children first start at Holy Trinity, they are allocated a key worker. The staff team work together to observe each child, and this information is collated and assessed by the key worker to produce a baseline assessment. This allows the setting to identify children that have not been previously identified that need additional support.
Throughout a child’s time at playgroup, we track their progress. If we have any concerns, we will speak to the parents.
We have regular reviews with parents where we discuss children’s learning and any gaps and parents can raise any concerns. In addition, we have an open-door policy for parents to talk about any concerns at a convenient time to them.
How will our staff support your children?
We have a named Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) who is also the Inclusion Coordinator (INCO). She liaises with parents and coordinates the playgroup team to provide a safe and appropriate environment with opportunities for individual learning and development.
If needed, input from the Inclusion Support from Early Childhood Services and agencies such as Speech and Language Therapists and Health Visitors is sought and incorporated in these strategies. These strategies will always be shared with parents. We also try to incorporate any strategies used at home or outside interventions.
How will the curriculum be matched to children’s needs?
Children’s needs and interests are noted daily and the environment and resources within it, arranged and rearranged as necessary.
Individual planning for achievement (a learning plan) is completed for every child once each half term. Observations and assessments throughout the previous half term inform this individual plan as well as informal discussions with parents.
How is my child's progress tracked?
We encourage open communication and information sharing between families and Holy Trinity Playgroup. This allows any concerns to be expressed and discussed. The child’s key worker liaises with the child’s family to ensure that their best interests are being met. Staff and parents exchange information at drop-off and pick-up times and communication books are also used.
Every term (or more often if needed) parents and key workers meet to discuss the child’s progress, agree next steps, and offer suggestions for how parents can support learning at home.
What support is available to promote the children’s overall well-being?
We aim to provide a safe and secure environment that promotes children’s positive well-being. To do this, we:
- have a ‘no nut and no egg’ policy so that children with these allergies are safe and feel included (and not ‘different’ from the rest of the group); most staff are first aid trained and this includes the use of EpiPens
- are able to give children medicine within the setting and have a strict procedure for this
- have a changing table for nappies, designed for our oldest children to access if needed
- have a behaviour management policy to promote positive behaviour and individual strategies for children who have difficulty managing their behaviour; these strategies are designed with the child and their parents
- have a daily environmental check, and assess the hall and garden constantly for risks – altering our risk assessments as necessary
- listen to children’s (verbal or indicative) views and try to take them into account
- encourage parents to keep the setting up to date with the child’s circumstances so that our care can be adapted to meet their child’s ongoing needs
What training have staff had in relation to SEN?
The staff team have attended a variety of training. This includes first aid, speech and language, inclusion, Makaton, food allergens and Epi-pen use.
Staff update their skills in these areas regularly, but we also seek out new training to fill any gaps in our staff’s knowledge related to individual children.
How will children be included in activities outside of the setting, including trips?
Holy Trinity Playgroup uses a combination of risk assessment, planning and parental involvement to ensure that activities and trips, including our forest school, can be presented in an inclusive format for all children to take part.
Parents and carers are informed in advance of any trips or outings taking place and, although welcomed at all times, are especially welcomed on outings. We will discuss with parents any particular requirements in advance.
Outings take place on different days of the week to ensure that all children have an opportunity to take part.
How accessible is the setting? (Indoors and outdoors)
The hall is wheelchair accessible and the inside environment is flat and can be manipulated to provide appropriate play areas for all children.
We have a variety of resources for use on tables and the floor. There are ‘soft furnishings’ available for floor play.
There is a large disabled toilet in the vestibule outside the normal play spaces.
The outside environment is accessed through double doors and a small ramp may be needed for wheelchairs. It is mainly flat with some small, gentle slopes.
How will the setting support my child during transitions, for example to the setting and to new settings / school?
We liaise with the children’s next settings; this often includes reciprocal visits and sharing information about the children’s likes, dislikes, abilities and development. Where appropriate, meetings are arranged to support transition and can include the SENCo / INCo’s from each setting alongside parents.
We have photo books about local schools to show children.
How are the settings resources allocated and matched to the children’s SEN needs?
Many resources for Children with SEN needs are available from the Children and Family Centre and these are booked out and borrowed as and when needed.
All resources are chosen to meet the needs and interests of the children according to individual assessment and planning. Much of this supports child-initiated learning, using open-ended resources which are fully inclusive.
How are decisions made affecting the level and type of support children receive?
The observation, assessment and planning cycle is integral to this, and once an additional need has been identified a decision will be made whether it is appropriate to support the child ‘in-house’ or whether seeking advice from ‘outside agencies’ is appropriate. This is always done in conjunction with parents.
An IP will be developed if a specific educational need is identified and Parents will always be involved in this process. This IP will also then be incorporated into the child’s half-termly plan. Progress against targets will be reviewed regularly to identify if the level of support continues to be correct.
How does the playgroup involve parents?
Parents are encouraged to come into the hall to help their child with the routines of the setting and settle them in as required. Parents can make suggestions for improvements at any time informally at drop off or pick up, or, more formally with our regular questionnaires.
We hold regular consultation meetings each term between parents and keyworkers and at these meetings parents are welcome to offer suggestions for improvements which would help their child.
Parents can arrange to come and visit their child at playgroup or Forest school, and may volunteer for outings.
Who can I contact for further information?
If you would like your child to join our playgroup, call us on 07544 648038 or send us a message to arrange a visit.
The Needles children and family centre has information for parents about local services.
The Family Information Service offer advice and support from a range of sources:
01243 777807
Your health visitor can also advise you: 01403 227000 or 01403 227664